Contract number
Commencement date
Expiry date
Is contract active?
This contract is for the purchase of comprehensive facilities intelligence solutions through Sightlines. It is available to all IUC-PG members.
Expiration: June 30, 2025, with the option to extend as needed by mutual consent.
UN10-084 Sightlines - Extension #2243.38 KB
UN10-084 Sightlines - Extension #3256.43 KB
UN10-084 Sightlines - Extension #4257.11 KB
UN10-084 Sightlines - Extension #5235.58 KB
UN10-084 Sightlines - Extension #6194.15 KB
UN10-084 Sightlines - Extension #8192.94 KB
UN10-084 Sightlines - Extension #9164.79 KB