Contract number
Commencement date
Expiry date
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This contract is for copier and print management services. This Contract was developed in response to the Governor’s Affordability and Efficiency Report, and consists of 4 pricing models. It is available to all IUC-PG members.

Getting started

This Contract incorporates a Master Agreement and Participation Agreement. Each participating member must negotiate and sign a Participation Agreement with an eligible supplier to participate in this program. Two versions of the Participation Agreement exist: (1) Models A, B, C with ComDoc and (2) Model D with each eligible supplier. Participating members have the opportunity to review the IUC-PG Master Agreements, but cannot alter them. Participation Agreements may be negotiated and altered with the eligible supplier(s).

Member institutions may contact the IUC-PG for copies of the Master Agreement and draft Participation Agreement. 

Contact information for the suppliers may be found in the Program Summary.